Holistic Learning Center’s
BIS= Behavioral Intervention Services:
This is 1:1 direct service to a student either for Applied Behavior Analysis, academic instruction or social integration. It is a service that is written into the student’s IEP.
HLC has the IEP for each student. This can occur as a push-in or pull-out model. Classroom staff may observe, collaborate, be trained through this model, but that is optional. Service can be taking data for an FBA/BIP, delivering ABA curriculum, delivering academic instruction guided by the teacher, working with the student during specials, lunch, recess, etc. to increase appropriate/independent functioning in those settings. Data is shared and reports are written by HLC staff for annual reviews.
BIC= Behavioral Intervention Consultation:
This is for the purposes of staff support and staff training. Staff must be present. It does not have to be assigned to a student on their IEP, it can be for the classroom staff as a building level support. Our staff may train in ABA methodology, the use of strategies for gathering data for an Functional Behavioral Assessment, how to deliver the strategies in a Behavior Intervention Plan, or for overall classroom management strategies. It can also provide staff training in other areas such as learning how to do alternative assessments, using adapted materials to support Common Core Curriculum, working with staff to arrange a classroom with centers and individual work spaces, teaching staff how to move from ABA to a TEACCH model, etc. HLC Does not have the IEP or 504 Plan unless it contains information about an FBA already done or that needs to be done. A report stating what strategies were employed in the classroom is written for annual reviews. Any data that is taken due to HLC staff teaching the district staff to intervene with data is reported by the teacher, not HLC staff. We are hired by school districts to support and teach district staff so they can generate reports showing effective intervention through data driven teaching.
BCP= Behavioral Consultation to the Program:
This is a one or two time check in with a teacher who is experiencing difficulty with a student’s behavior or needs advice for any teaching matter. A building assigns a contact staff person who gathers the names and room numbers of the teachers and informs HLC staff. In our consultation to the building time, we work with that teacher and write a recommendation report to summarize our visit and suggestions. We can check in again if needed, or pass the report to the supervisor who follows up with any needed supervision/support. HLC does not have IEP, 504, or any paperwork on the student. This model is used to strengthen the staff skill set with antecedent management techniques for smooth classroom management.