CTLE Unit for Educational Professionals and Paraprofessionals
Please email Susan@HolisticLC.com to schedule in person or virtual training.
For CTLE credits (optional) these courses are available:
Course Title | Credits: |
Understanding the Student with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Exploring language disorders, behavioral disorders and socialization difficulties, understanding sensory processing disorder and how students perceive stimuli for the purposes of environmental and teaching strategy modifications | 4 |
Assessing Students with ASDs: Use of CARS, ABBLs, VB-MAPP | 3 |
Writing and Implementing Personalized Empowerment Stories for Students with ASDs | 3 |
The use of ABA strategies for teaching new skills, increasing appropriate behaviors, reducing interfering behaviors, taking data, graphing data, and analyzing interventions so modifications can be made to produce a learning curve | 10 |
Early Childhood Assessment Birth-Age 7: understanding developmentally appropriate development, assessing disorder vs. delay in development, using standardized tests and non-standardized checklists to assess and document delays, disorders, and behavioral concerns | (2 days x 4 hours) 8 |
Creating FBA/BIPs that Work: setting up data, gathering data, interpreting data, determining function of behavior, writing behavioral goals, teaching replacement behaviors, setting up antecedent and consequence management strategies, taking post BIP data to determine the success of the plan. | 3 |
Managing Behaviors That Interfere with Student Access to Curriculum with Antecedent and Consequence Management Strategies | 3 |
Managing Explosive/Destructive Behaviors with De-Escalation Techniques, Antecedent Management, and Replacement Behaviors to Avoid Future Incidents | 3 |
Writing Incident Reports to Document Injuries, Accidents and Dangerous Behaviors | 2 |
Progress Monitoring of Behavioral Goals: using grids and graphs to show behavioral change | 1 |
Graphing and Charting: use of Excel to produce bar graphs, line graphs, etc. for the purposes of including in reports to show baselines, behavioral targets, and learning curve over time | 2 |
Setting up successful lessons and mini-lessons to teach Reading Comprehension for Students with ASDs | 2 |
Creating and Implementing Activities in Self Contained and Integrated Settings to Improve Social Skills for Students with ASDs | 2 |
The Use of Faded Prompting/Graduated Guidance to Promote Independence for Students in Special Needs Classrooms | 2 |
Integrating Acquired ABA Skills into a Multitude of Generalized Settings, Providers, and Materials | 2 |
Successful Parent Training Strategies: Assessing Family Needs, Setting Up Goals, Implementing Strategies in the Home and Community | 2 |
Sensory Integration for non-OT staff: Understanding the 7 senses, and how the brain manages stimuli in neuro-typical and disordered students, how to modify the environment and activities to assist students to function optimally. | 3 |
Transitioning Adults into the Workforce: Assessing Needs, Determining Strengths, Transferring Skills into Vocational Opportunities | 2 |
Adolescent Autonomy: Teaching Independence with Self Care, Self Advocacy, Household Chores, and Community Integration | 2 |
Teaching Safety: Stranger Skills, How to use 911, How to Avoid Household Accidents, Kitchen Safety, etc. | 2 |
Teaching Self Awareness for Advocacy, Resilience, Problem Solving and Mindfulness: A Holistic Approach to Independence | 2 |
Setting Up the Environment in School and at Home to Foster Structured Teaching and Optimal Performance | 2 |
Teaching Flexibility to Students with ASDs: Managing Schedule Changes, Unexpected Stimuli, and Transition Disappointments | 2 |
The Playground: Fostering Opportunities for Socialization with Turn Taking, Imitation and Cooperative Play | 2 |
Inclusion: The Law and Practical Application for Success: Using Criteria for Inclusion levels of support to set up successful opportunities | 2 |